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Lettuce Expansion for Ei Noon


Distribute the pieces according to the rules of the basic game around the nest card. Add the head of lettuce to any side of the nest.

Pushing the head of lettuce:

The Chief Bunny always pulls the black hen before the brown hen. If a hen ends up with the head of lettuce, she pushes it one field in clockwise direction.

Hen pushes head of lettuce
The chicken's turn ends at the head of lettuce. She pushes it clockwise one step further.

If a hen pulls over the head of lettuce, she does not push it.

The lettuce monopolist steals the track cards of the guarded bunnies:

If after the movement your bunny stands unguarded (no hens) and alone (no other bunnies) at the head of lettuce, it is the lettuce monopolist. Your bunny nibbles from the salad, gets a boost of energy and wins (in addition to it`s own) the track card of any player whose rabbit is guarded by a hen.

Scoring Example
After the movement: Bunny red stands unguarded and alone at the head of lettuce. It wins (in addition to it`s own) the track cards of the guarded bunnies yellow and blue.
